Friday, September 30, 2011


One of my biggest goals in life is to travel around the world. - Kevin

Yessss. I totally love traveling. It’s so much fun! My family travels a lot and that is because my dad loves to just go out to see places and have fun. I want to travel to as many places as i can!  Throughout my life, i’ve traveled to Las Vegas, Hawaii, Reno, and more.

When i went to Las Vegas i went with my friends’ families so it was really fun. We watched shows and walked around.

Hawaii was super fun. I went there with my friends’ families also and we did a bunch of activities. We went to the Polynesian adventure tour, shark diving, visited pearl harbor,shop, and got on the beach. Their beaches are way better than ours. I really enjoyed going there.   

Reno is Reno. I went when i was young so i didn't do much. My parents went to the casino and i went to the arcade place.

I went to Hong Kong one year but it was only for a short while. We went to watch fireworks there for their 60th anniversary. It was really crowded but awesome.

I only visited Macau for a few hours. We walked around the place and visited some historic sites. I don't know where i went but it was nice. I went into their casinos and the interior and exterior are gorgeous. I went into the Venetian and it was really trippy. I was inside but it looked like i was outside...

Beijing was a while back so i don't remember much.. We were on a tour and we visited many places. One of the stops was Beijing. We had some good food there. I also climbed the Great Wall of China and damn does it take forever. I obviously didn't climb the whole thing but i got to a check point and took a picture there.

We went to this other place in china... i didn't know where it is at all. My dad decided to take us with a tour there and i honestly didn't like it there. We climbed a bunch of mountains and the people there kept saying how pretty the rocks are and how it makes an image. I totally just saw giant rocks. I don’t get why we went there.. Also it was sorta a rural area so there were almost no cars there. The people washed their clothes down at a river and the houses used lamps. I didn't experience that since i was in the tourist area where there were only small hotels.

Every time we visit China we go back to my parents’ hometown. It’s nice there. I mostly go there just to visit family though. There isn’t much to do there but it’s nice.

So you see i have travelled a lot. I plan to travel even more in the future. I really want to visit different parts of Europe. It would be so awesome! My mom says that this summer we are going to Korea and i am super excited. We’re going to be in Seoul and looking at tourism sites probably. I hope i get to go to a concert while i am there (;

1 comment:

  1. When you are in college: STUDY ABROAD. I can't stress that advice enough. Do it.
