Friday, September 16, 2011

[FR]My Day

So today is a Friday and that means tests tests tests. I had two tests today(well quizzes but i consider them as tests). I had one in government and one in ap calculus. The test in gov was easier than i expected it to be. I really didn't study because i prioritized calculus since it is harder. The test was pretty straightforward and i think i did pretty well on it.

For the calculus test i think i did just ok. I feel like i would've gotten more points but i made a bunch of stupid mistakes(again). And to add to that, the teacher went over the specific question right before the test. Total failure.

After school i went with my mom to Southland to get some stuff for the upcoming senior banquet. I got a bracelet and a ring to go with my dress that i got the other day. I got them fairly cheap so i was happy about that. I spent about two and a half hours walking around stores because i wanted some new boots. I have two at home but i scraped the heels on one really badly and the other one is scraped on the front. Since its about fall and winter season, i wanted some warm boots. Well too bad i didnt get any since i’m picky.

When we were done shopping we went to subway for dinner. I got the september $5 foot long and it was alright. I love to put honey mustard and chipotle southwest sauce on it. It is delicioso. So i ate it within minutes when i got home. Well this is how my day went. Now i need to go write two more posts hahaha.......

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