Friday, September 16, 2011

[RE]Ugly and Beauty Pageants

I saw a post about the ugliest dog contest from Taylor and saw that
The dog named  Yoda was presented the ugly award June 25th

Okay so why do they even have these contests? I honestly feel so bad about the dogs being laughed at up on the stage. Yeah i understand that a lot of the owners really love their dogs but showcasing the dogs’ ‘ugliness’ is too much. Some of the competitors actually beat their dogs to distort their features for them to qualify as ugly. These contests just creates more animal abusers. If i was a dog i would be humiliated. But i am not a dog so my feelings towards this is obviously from a human’s perspective.

I feel bad for the dog but from the dogs’ perspective it doesn’t feel that way. In contrast, it is enjoying all the attention it is getting. The dogs don’t know that they are in an ugly contest so seeing the people in the crowd laughing at them makes them happy. I’m glad that they’re happy but i’m pretty sure the beaten dogs aren’t. It’s not that i think that this contest is harmful, i think that it is the root to some people harming their dogs.

I don’t have much of a positive opinion towards beauty pageants either. The whole thing is superficial. It is like saying judging people by their looks or things is okay. The child beauty pageants are even worse. Some of the children’s parents force them to compete and train, depriving them of a childhood. Some even make their children get nose jobs, fake tans, and so on. Although not all the parents are like that, it is the same as what i said before. These contest are what promotes these actions.

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