Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE]Booming Social Media

So the number of Brazilians using social media is rapidly increasing. A lot of people use twitter and facebook there and i’m not too sure if this is a good thing or not.Of Brazil's estimated 75 million internet users, 23 per cent regularly use Twitter, the highest penetration anywhere in the world.Today, there are 23 million users of facebook. The network is growing faster in Brazil than any other country. Yes social media provides the people with news, a way of communicating with other people, and educational purposes but there are downsides to it. If they are heavy users then it can impact their studies or work since it is pretty addicting. A lot of people try to multitask with facebook or twitter on another tab while doing work and it can affect them negatively, although this applies to the people who have internet of their own. Most people in Brazil do not have internet so free internet cafes are being built. Less than 40 percent of the total population actually have interent access. This allows people to have more access of the news and their family and friends. This also may get them hooked and they won’t go to their job or school as much anymore. I think that keeping in touch with your friends and family and the news is important and the people there should be able to have the option to do so. But i also think that it can cause some to be less focused because i think going on facebook and other different types of social medias is pretty addicting.

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