Friday, September 23, 2011

[RE]Don't Waste Food!!

 Well I don’t know about anyone else but it bothers me so much when people take the food they get for granted!

I got this from Julie Le and i have to agree with her. It totally bothers me that people take food for granted. I was out to lunch with one of my friends one time and we ordered a box of food. It was pretty big but i knew i would finish it, either during lunch or later. My friend got the same thing but she only ate a few bites of it and wanted to throw it away. There was still a bunch of chicken and rice left and i couldn't help but feel bothered by it. I told her to save it for later and she said that she didn't want it later if it was soggy. I asked her why she bought such a big portion if she wasn't going to finish it and she said she liked to eat it but she just couldn't finish it. I mean if you cant finish it, at least it for later or give it to someone else to eat.

I feel so bad when i see people throw food away; It just makes me feel all icky inside. My parents and my grandparents told me about their hardships when they were younger. They couldnt be picky about what they ate and they definitely couldnt waste food. Even if they wanted more food they couldnt because they had 6 or 7 brothers and sisters in the family. My mother and grandfather couldnt even eat sometimes because they had to care for their children first. Ever since i was a child, i was taught not to waste food. My parents always remind me how lucky we are to have food to eat. There are people out there in the world who are dying because they are hungry. We shouldnt waste food even if we have enough to do so.

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