Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE]High School

I was reading some posts and came across this from Kristen’s . What she wrote is exactly how i feel.

I know that most of us are excited & ready to leave high school, just as I am, but at the same time, there's something that's holding me back. College is the next step for us (well some of us). The term "college" frightens and excites me all at once. I know we're all about to stress because of college app. Some of us still aren't satisfied with our SAT scores, some hasn't decide on what they're going to major in, and some don't even know what colleges to apply for.

A lot of people say that they are totally looking forward to college life and they can’t wait till high school is over. I, on the other hand, wish that high school could last a bit longer. It has gone by so fast that that it doesn't even seem real. I feel really pressured right now because I’m a bit late with the SAT tests and it worries me. I only took the SAT reasoning test once and i am not satisfied with my score. I registered for the October SAT just a few days ago  in hopes of a higher score. I’m not even sure if i can do better than my previous test. Also, i plan to take a subject test and the ACT. That’s three more tests and the next three months will be hellish. I know i should’ve take the tests sooner but what happened happened.

I am also not really sure what colleges to apply to. I’m going to have to find out soon.

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