Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[BC]College essay 2

  1. Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

I was born in Oakland and i lived in Chinatown for 8 years since i was born. I remember living in an apartment packed with a lot of people. About eleven people lived in the tiny apartment and they all consist of my family. I was never lonely since there was always a lot of people. Things started to change though little by little. We started to move out since everyone was making more money in order to buy an actual house. My family moved to Alameda and i had to leave the hectic but comforting home i had.

When i moved, my views on many things changed. I understood that my parents just bought a house and spending big is not going to happen. I was young so i didn't know the hardships of earning money. My parents always loved my brother and I so when we wanted something, they would want to get it for us. As i grew up i felt that it wasn’t right to ask my parents for a lot of things. I remember always at grocery stores my brother would ask to buy junk food while i never asked to buy anything. I felt that i needed to help out financially by restrain my desires for my favorite foods. I didn't want my parents to spend so much money because of me. Even though i didn't know the difficulty of earning money, I always tried saving money.

In 2005 my parents opened their own business in Chinatown. They didn't want to keep switching jobs so they started their own place. They opened up a restaurant and in the first year, business was booming. The place was always jam packed with people. As the years went  by, business declined because the economy since then has been going down. People don’t go out to eat as much so it has a big affect on us. I always overheard my parents talking about what they were going to do since money is starting to become a problem. The restaurant is losing money and it is the only source of money for us.

My family gave it their all for me so i think i should do the same for them and others. I plan to study accounting, specifically managerial accounting. I want to be able to look into the future and help business owners make decisions on what to do financially. I can help businesses with cost analysis and strategic planning so they can utilize their money in the best way possible. I also want to help my family’s business. By studying accounting, i can help them out and keep the business, which they love so much, running smoothly.

ahh... i did prompt 2 first...this needs a lot of editing..will do later..

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