Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[FR]Just a starting post

The nice picture above (courtesy of tumblr) pretty much sums up how i am feeling. I feel like i don't want to face all this college apps stuff but we all know we just have to suck it up and do it. With these two sentences, i think it is enough with the college talk already(atleast for today) since the photo says it all.(Had i not found this picture floating about on my tumblr, this college talk wouldn't even be here; my reluctance towards discussing this topic is clearly visible.)

This is my first blog post that i have ever written. I do have another blog,on the oh so famous tumblr, but i don’t write in it. I just reblog and like things that i find interesting. It sorta feels weird writing about how i feel on a page that anyone on the web can access. Although i say this, i don’t really care much for it. I think for most posts i make, ill include a picture somewhere just to make things less dull. That is the plan for now.

I don’t think writing a free post is that easy. Yeah i can write whatever i want but I'm not actually sure what i want to write about. When i think, my mind is going everywhere. I jump form topic to topic and it really bothers me. I’m sitting on my computer at first with a nice topic in my head and then i get another idea and then another after that. It really hinders my writing process so i would prefer post assignments that have a specific topic to write about. But knowing me, this thought will probably change later. I really do change my mind a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Just write about things that interest you! it gets easier, trust me. You should definitely keep paper or something near you all the time, so you can write stuff down if you have any sudden ideas. That's the only way i get anything done.
