Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE]School of Bottles

In the Philippines an environmental group came up with a  great idea of saving the environment and money . A school of recycled and glass bottles was made and i think it is a great idea. It is said that in the Philippines, enough waste is produced to create a school in two weeks. That’s a lot of waste that can be used for a good cause! Building a school is a lot of money and a lot of people do not have the money for the materials to build one. It costs half as much to make and that is a significant amount they are saving. By reusing bottles, it saves a ton of money that can be used for other things, such as school supplies, and it is environmentally friendly. In the video above, the kids were in their new room, double the size of their old one. They get more space and it doesn't cost much either.

Building these schools in poor areas will really make a difference. Kids can actually have a place to get an education at a more spacious area rather than a cramped up class room. Bottles are scattered everywhere and what better way to reuse them than to build a school? I really like this idea although i am a bit worried about how much the building can take from natural disasters. It is said that it can withstand high winds but i do not know about other things. I’m not sure if it can survive if a hurricane or earthquake hit it.

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