Friday, September 23, 2011

[FR]Free food

On Monday I went to my little cousin’s house in the morning because I don’t have a first period. I went to give him some snacks like cookies and candies because my mom bought some for him. He is only three years old and he is super cute. When I went into the house he said good morning to me and I gave him the bag of treats. He really likes snacks so he eats them quite frequently. I actually found out that he has a whole cabinet full of them.

After he left for school. My aunt took out some of my cousin’s snacks and gave them to me. She put on the table yogurt, grapes, two packs of crackers, and two packs of gunny candies. It was a lot and I didn’t want to take it all but they insisted on it. Then when my other aunt woke up, she gave even more treats. She gave me some cookies from Hawaii and it looked really good.

I carried all the snacks to school and ate a pack of the gummy candies during third period, in physics. It was pineapple flavored but it smelled bad. In the first few seconds, it tastes fake since it is coated with some kind of powder. After awhile though, it tastes pretty good. My friend told me the orange flavor is much better so I ate some on the next day. It tasted alright, just like any orange flavored candy. It also had the weird powder coating on top unfortunately.

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