Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE]Anniversary of 9/11

The 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is nearing so police officers are all over the city of New York. Information of an attack is circulating around so the police department is taking even further precautions so they can prevent the supposed threat that is to come on Sunday. If i was in New York right now, i would be extremely worried. Just seeing the hordes of police everywhere i go would be nerve wracking. There are bag checks in the subway stations and in different checkpoints throughout the city.Drivers get stopped for a drivers licence check at some of these checkpoints. People get stopped frequently to get their stuff checked and it can be hassle.I would feel a bit of safety with all the police enforcement but you never know what will happen. A wireless manager shares his thought on what is happening:

"The commute on the train this morning was horrible but it was worth it because we are being protected,"
source:Security increased after US 'terror threat')

Also to add to the uneasiness,

"We have the opening of the 9/11 memorial, the president and two former presidents here, obviously a lot of high profile public officials will be here, so we have to be concerned."

I hope that nothing happens on Sunday.I wish for everything to be peaceful. For this week, all the news channels, magazines, and various types of social media have been doing news coverage on 9/11 so i am sure i will be updated. 

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