Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[BC]College essay

Ever since i started middle school up until sophomore year of high school, school didn't matter to me. I thought that school was a waste of time and i didn't understand why i should do well in it. Things got a bit better once i entered high school but it was still bad. My parents were so disappointed in me. I felt bad about it but i didn't do anything to fix my problem.

In 7th grade, my parents tried to get my grades up by getting me a tutor. I honestly didn't think i needed one because i knew what my problem was. It wasn't because i didn't understand the material, it was because i didn't want to do the work. I didn't tell my parents that i wasn't doing my homework so they thought i wasn't understanding the lessons. I had a 2.7 at the time and they feared that i wouldn't do well in the future. I had tutoring once a week on Saturdays and i hated it. I felt like i was wasting my time and my parents’ money because i felt i didn't need a tutor. I had a lot of work i had to do but even though i hated it, i still did them. I did them to prove to my parents that a tutor wasn't necessary. Although i thought that, tutoring actually helped my grades. Since i was doing the tutoring homework, it got me to do some of my school homework too.

When freshmen year came, i still only did some of my work.I worked hard in Math only so that was the only good grade i had. But at that time, people around me started talking to me more about how important it is to do well in school. My family and friends were genuinely worried about my future. The person who made the biggest impact in my life for the better is my grandfather. He always believed in me and knew that i could do better. He encouraged me to do my best. He once told me that if i do well and graduate and get into a UC he would have a surprise for me. He tried his best to get me back on track and i admire him for that. But towards the end of freshmen year, my grandfather left us and it was the saddest point of my life,but also the turning point. I was extremely devastated at the time but it was also a reason for me to do better. I wanted to make my grandfather proud so i changed my ways. I got myself together and decided that i would definitely do my best.

It is senior year now and i’m proud that i overcame the obstacle. I am trying my best for the highest GPA i can get this year. i feel disheartened about my freshmen year but i’ve improved by a lot over the years.I will make my grandfather, the rest of my family, and myself proud.

1 comment:

  1. I also had a lot of trouble with school for my own reasons. I've never really had much difficulty with the material, because I like to read and learn things about what we're learning in school as a hobby. But I did have intense motivational issues, and still do sometimes.
    Don't feel badly about your performance freshman year. All of us have our own problems that we struggle with. School is not the most important thing in life, nor is college. It's good that you're motivated, and that you want to please yourself with your efforts!
    Never feel depressed with what has happened in the past. You should feel proud of yourself for coming this far.
