Friday, September 30, 2011

[FR]So much stuff going on..

Stressed oouuuuuutttt. Ahhhhhh! There’s too much going on right now.. Everything is just crashing in and i feel really stressed out. To start off, i have SATs tomorrow and i did not study at all. I know it was stupid of me but i just kept pushing it back since summer started. My mom kept reminding me to study but it didnt happen. Since school started i had no time to study for it since i devoted my time to AP Calc. I always need to study for that class because of our weekly quizzles. Now it is the night before the testing day and i’m going to try to cram as much as i can into my brain.

On top of SATs i’m worried about all the college stuff. Recently, i’ve been trying to find scholarships online since college is super expensive. I also need to decide where i want to go to since almost everyone already has a list of colleges they want to attend. I’m still a bit stuck on what i want to study but things have been getting better on that part. I’m researching more and i narrowed it down. To add to everything else, im stressed on whether i’m even good enough for UC’s. My parents view going to a UC as being a step to a successful future, which i disagree with, and they actually expect me to apply to top UCs. I am really worried that i won’t get in to UCs  since my grades were absolutely horrible in my freshmen year. It really brought down my GPA. My parents think i can get in and i feel like i will fail and disappoint them.

Well my only hope is to do well in the SATs, which i have no confidence in doing. If only i can score 1900+.. big sigh..

1 comment:

  1. Please take a deep breath...No, twenty deep breaths. You are going to be fine, and even though it seems like the world is crashing in around you all over the place, let me repeat. YOU WILL BE FINE. If I can help you work through any of this and you'd like to meet about ideas you're having, please feel free to come talk to me. It is fine for you not to have made a decision about what to study yet...I'd love to hear about your recent research in that area. :)
