Friday, October 21, 2011


But I have been raised better than that and do not want my brothers to go down the same way. They say you should learn from your mistakes but for my younger brothers and sisters, they have to learn from their mistake and mine so they wont make the same ones I made. So basically I am trying to be that better person too..

I got this from Zubair’s post and thought that this fit my situation too. I’ve made many mistakes in my life, small ones and big ones. I didn’t really care much about school and my grades for the first part of my high school life. It is one of the worst mistakes i made and i really regret it now. Because of my screw up, i have to work extra hard now to make up for what i had done. My grades have been showing improvement but i am still very nervous about college. I can’t go back in time so now is what matters.

It wasn’t my parents’ fault that i followed the wrong path. It was a stupid mistake i made myself. Back then, i didn’t talk to my parents as much as i should have or asked for advice or things like that. They may think that they did a bad job parenting but i don’t think so at all. They are great parents. Although they were a bit strict and i hated it back then, i really appreciate it now. I didn’t fall into the wrong group of people and i have morals that they instilled in me. They did a great job raising me.

From what i am going through now, i do not want my brother to go down the same way.  He is a freshmen and my parents are harder on him than they were with me because they also don’t want him to go through all the trouble. I make sure he does his homework and help him on stuff he doesn’t understand. I want to be a good sister and prevent what happened to me, happening to him.

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