Friday, October 14, 2011

[FR]My afternoon & night

Today i went out to eat dinner with my family. I was picked up at South Shore because i was setting up for the haunted house event. Even though there was a lot of stuff to do i had to leave early. I only got to paint one scary face on our poster and i wish i could’ve done more ): . Oh well, i’m going there during the weekend and i’ll practically be there the whole day. So after i got picked up i went straight to the restaurant and i saw my cousin there. I didn’t know that he was coming so i was surprised. I don’t know why we went out to eat but it’s good to do so from time to time. At dinner, i sat with my mom, cousin, and brother. We had a bunch of awesome food like noodles, steak, crab, shrimp, and many more.

And i am still here at the restaurant now, doing m posts. I’m using my dad’s laptop because it is going to be awhile until i go home. I just finished the monthly essay and i have this and two other posts to do. The monthly essay took some time to write since i was kinda behind. At the computer lab, my computer froze and it took 20 minutes to unfreeze. I didn’t want to switch computers because i was afraid my work won’t save. Well at least i did it all now. Well now i’m going to do my other posts now since i have at least 250 words.

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